Standard License. Unsubscribe from Softcare? Textile Cleaner is extremely effective for. Can also be used for carefully cleaning textiles meant for dry cleaning. Before use, read carefully the care instructions of the textiles or make a small trial on an.
Vannbasert skumrengjøring som egner seg til de fleste tekstiler. Lett tilsmusset tekstil fuktbørstes med mikrofiberklut. Test alltid fargeektheten på et lite . Bolia textile cleaner is a unique cleaning product that is used for the removal of water- and oil-based stains on all textiles.
The care product can also be used on. Effective, fast-drying foam to clean fabrics. Kraftfull skumrens som fjerner flekker og smuss fra setetrekk, matter og andre tekstiler i bilen. Medfølgende børste hjelper . Removes stains such as wine, chocolate and tomato ketchup on fabrics that cannot be washed in the machine, like sofas and cushions with fixed covers. Vi bruker cookies for å gjøre ditt besøk på Watski.
Flere leveringsmuligheter. Med børsten fjerner man enkelt . This is the next generation textile and upholstery cleaner. It is strong enough to remove the . Use to clean furniture, tablecloths and curtains and use it outdoors for the cleaning of garden . Brukes på kalesjer og lignende i bomull eller nylon. Konsentrert vannbasert alkalisk vaskemiddel for kalesjer, markiser osv.